Hiring an external QS for the first time: Expectations vs Reality

Remember the last time you went on a first date, full of expectations? Well, outsourcing your QS work for the first time might feel a bit like that. Once you know what you want, what to expect and what the reality is, it makes it a lot easier to find the right potential partner to outsource your QS work to.

First things first, get your hard hats on because we’re about to drill down into what we mean by QS. No, it’s not “Quite Special” – though we like to think the team at Carroll Estimating is! QS stands for Quantity Surveying, and it’s all about managing costs and contracts related to your construction projects.

40% of construction companies report increase in turnover, but rising material costs remain a challenge: Construction Industry Federation Economic Outlook”

Construction Industry Federation

So, with rising material costs, if you’re considering dipping your steel-toed boot into the outsourced QS world. Let’s break down some of those expectations and set them alongside reality.

Outsourcing your QS work

In the grand scheme of things, outsourcing your QS work is a lot like getting your website done. It might take some time, and you may make a few mistakes along the way, but with patience and the right content (or, in this case, the right QS partner), you’ll end up with a result that wins you business and makes you money. 

Expectation #1 The QS is the only one who will make money 

Yeah, we’ve heard this one before.

Reality: The QS only makes money when you do 

Now, in the real world, it works differently. Think of us QS folks as your number-crunching sidekicks. We only succeed when you do. Our main aim? Make sure you don’t leave any money on the table. Essentially our job is to help you save money and manage costs better on projects. We’re trained to say, “That’s too expensive, you may come down on that” to the PQS.  

Reviewing drawings.

Expectation 2: A tender takes 2 minutes 

Just like how making a sandwich and a cup of tea takes two minutes, right? Get the bread, slap on some ham and cheese, boil the kettle, voila! If only it were that simple.

Reality: A tender takes several hours 

Would you believe us if we told you that putting together a tender is more like crafting a 7-course meal? You need the right ingredients (the drawings), a solid recipe (your contractors), and some serious culinary skills (experience). Give or take, it’s a process that can take several hours. 

Expectation 3: The QS will pull figures from the sky

If we had a penny for every time we heard this, we’d be millionaires! And we wouldn’t need to pull figures from the sky.

Reality: Figures are based on up-to-date market rates 

Our crystal ball is broken! So in the meantime, we’ll stick to using current market rates, past data, and detailed analysis for creating estimates. Not as glamorous as sky-gazing, but far more accurate.

Expectation 4: You’ll never have to look at a spreadsheet again 

Oh, to live in a world without spreadsheets. It sounds like paradise, doesn’t it?

Spreadsheets for rating and measuring jobs

Reality: You’ll still need spreadsheets, but less often 

Sorry to shatter your dreams of a spreadsheet-free existence. But hey, here’s some good news: outsourcing means you’ll see them less often. And when you do, they’ll be neat, tidy, and easy to understand. 

Expectation 5: You will save lots of money 

This one isn’t far from the truth. Outsourcing your QS work can lead to savings.

Reality: You will save some money, but not instantly 

The real savings come over time as we help you avoid costly mistakes, find efficiencies, and manage your project costs to the last nail from tender to final account

Expectation 6: Outsourcing equals less work and saving time

Less work and more time? Who wouldn’t sign up for that?

Reality: Outsourcing means more focused work 

With outsourcing, you still have work, but it’s the kind of work you want to be doing, like managing your projects and winning new business. We’ll take care of the quantity surveying, tendering, and payment claims so you can focus on what you do best.

Expectation 7: Your QS Partner Will Magically Understand All Your Needs 

If only we could read minds!

Reality: Effective communication is key 

The truth is, while we bring a heap of expertise to the table, understanding your unique needs takes open and regular communication. So yes, no mind-reading (unfortunately), but lots of ears for listening and a commitment to understanding your business inside out.


So, there you have it: Expectations vs Reality of outsourcing your QS work for the first time. Outsourcing isn’t about magic solutions or instant savings. It’s about building a partnership that helps your business succeed with less stress and more focused work. While we QS folks can’t read minds or make spreadsheets disappear, we do promise to be your steadfast partners in managing your costs effectively and creating accurate tenders. We’re committed to turning those ‘Quite Special’ expectations into real, tangible results for your construction business. 

You can partner with a QS to manage all of your tenders and payments. But the journey to a successful partnership begins with a single step, or in this case, a single estimate. So why not take that step today?

Talk to our team today.

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