Do you ever wonder if your Quantity Surveyor (QS) actually has your best interests at heart? Have you noticed they’re dragging their heels or acting shifty, and you just don’t know why?
Maybe they’re pulling a fast one and double-jobbing as a Contractors QS (CQS) and a Professional QS (PQS), trying to please everyone, make more for themselves and get away with it.
But that’s not good enough. Read on to find out what you need to know and how to spot the red flags.
Red Flag 1: Working Both Sides of the Fence
Picture this: your QS is cosying up with the design team on one project, hashing out plans and figures. Meanwhile, on another job, they’re at odds with the same team, negotiating every penny on your behalf. It doesn’t make sense.
Red Flag 2: Conflict of Interest
There’s no way they can get away with this one. If your QS is wearing multiple opposing hats, there’s bound to be a conflict of interest. This can get ugly quickly. Losing you valuable time, energy and resources. All reducing that bottom line of revenue on your account.
Red Flag 3: Digging their Heels
Keep your eyes peeled for warning signs. Is your QS digging their heels in on extras and variations, trying to squeeze every last cent out of the client? Sure, you want someone able to negotiate on your behalf, but not at the cost of burning bridges. There’s a fine line that can get blurry very quickly if your QS is double-jobbing.
Red Flag 4: Avoiding Conversations.
Have you noticed your QS avoiding sticky conversations? They could be running away from potential issues so they don’t rock the boat. After all, they need the design team on side for their next project. The bottom line is they’re only thinking of themselves here, not you.

At the end of the day, a Contractors QS is called a Contractors QS for a reason.
Because we work for Contractors.
You need a QS that’s going to give your project the full attention it deserves. Fighting your corner for the most efficient, cost-effective and profitable project, no matter what negotiations have to be made.
Not some two-timing CQS/PQS who can’t keep up with their own workload. That’s why at Carroll Estimating, we focus specifically on supporting contractors. Contact us today to find out how we can help you focus on the job at hand and stop worrying about cashflow.