The construction industry has seen a rise in the amount of freelancers out there. With more and more Quantity Surveyors opting to go on their own are they all talk and no action?
They market themselves as the more personalised and cost effective choice but the reality is, you get what you pay for.
Dig into the 8 disadvantages of using a freelance QS below before you make up your mind on your next project.
They’re a one person show
There’s only so much one person can do. A freelancer has to do the costing, site visits, administration, negotiations and gather quotations among other things all by themselves. If you’re on a deadline you might be met with delayed or rushed results that don’t give you the accuracy you need.

There’s a limit to their capacity
Again, there’s only so much one person can do on their own. A freelancer QS can’t take on as many projects as a team so you’ll either be turned away, delayed or confused with another project they have on. They only have two hands, there will always be a limit to what they can do.
They don’t care as much as you do
With so many tenders to work on and get out, freelancers don’t care whether you win that tender or not. It’s no skin off their nose if you don’t win it, because you’re probably only using them for that one job. Win or lose, they have to move on to the next tender and keep the projects moving.
They can’t get to know your business
Your QS needs to get to know your business in as much detail as possible. They need to now who your team is, how they work and what your priorities are. But how can a freelancer do that? How can they actually get to know the finer details of you operation when they need to move to the next project? They can’t. Simple as that.

They skip the site visit
With all the work involved, a freelance QS might think they can get away with skipping a site visit. They think they can do their work with the information they have but drawings and specifications in your hand aren’t the same as being on site. By skipping the site visit they’re missing out on vital details that could end up costing more than they’re worth.
Procurement is not a priority
A freelance QS will rely on Google and guessing to same time. With looming deadlines, limited time and no additional support they will rush through what they can and end up guestimating what should be accurate costings. Procurement is a major piece of the puzzle that should never be rushed.
True return on investment can’t be reflected
When you only work with a freelancer on every other job, it’s hard to gauge the value you get. If you can’t be certain of their availability for each project you’ll find it hard to build that trusted, collaborative relationship you need to have with your QS. It’s hard to realise the true return on investment with a once-off freelancer project. Using a team means you can keep going back to them and see the value they bring over an extended period.
They’re all over the place
A freelancer has options. They can dabble in different areas as a Professional Quantity Surveyor (PQS) on one project and a Contractors Quantity Surveyor (CQS) on another without specialising in one area. A jack of all trades but a master of none. You won’t get the specialised, skilled knowledge you’d get from a team of QS’s with their own dedicated areas of expertise.
While freelancers are tempting for a once-off project, they’re juggling too many things on their own to give you the dedicated service you deserve.
It might seem like a way to save a few cent from the start but think about the finish line. Will cut corners, rushed figures and distracted details end up costing you more in the long run?
Do yourself a favour, consider the fully qualified team of professionals instead. We’re here to help you deliver and create more cashflow in the process.
Whenever you’re ready, Carroll Estimating can help you manage all your QS work from tender bid to final account.