A detailed guide to the Blue Form of Contract, a standard agreement for construction projects.
Blog – Behind The Build
The first 7 steps a contractor’s quantity surveyor takes when they win a tender.
Winning a tender is major for contractors, but it’s just the beginning. Follow the first 7 steps contractors’ quantity surveyors take when they win the job.
3 Ways Civils Contractors Are Losing Money
Three ways civil contractors are losing money. Learn how to avoid these costly mistakes and improve your bottom line.
Attendances on Site: Unseen Costs and Hidden Opportunities for contractors
Uncover hidden costs and boost profits by managing site attendances effectively. Maximise efficiency and enhance project success in the construction industry.
A Day in the Life of an External QS: Managing Your Construction Projects
Learn how external Quantity Surveyors (QS) play a pivotal role in overseeing project financials, ensuring on-site progress, and maximising profitability for contractors.
Architects’ Tender Analysis: Can Contractors Trust It?
Don’t just trust an architect’s tender analysis! Get accurate pricing for your construction projects with these helpful tips so you win and build profitable projects.