Want to avoid project nightmares? Read this blog about building success by building with contracts.
Blog – Behind The Build
How contractors can win tenders the smart way
Tired of losing bids? Get the inside scoop on winning tenders without slashing prices in this article.
Navigating the Blue Form of Contract: A Comprehensive Guide for Construction Contractors
A detailed guide to the Blue Form of Contract, a standard agreement for construction projects.
4 key strategies to differentiate your construction business
Standing out from the crowd is key to success in the construction industry. Here are 4 strategies to help you differentiate yourself and win more jobs.
The first 7 steps a contractor’s quantity surveyor takes when they win a tender.
Winning a tender is major for contractors, but it’s just the beginning. Follow the first 7 steps contractors’ quantity surveyors take when they win the job.
10 Things a Contractor’s Quantity Surveyor Does When a Contractor Wants to Put in a Tender
Learn the 10 steps a contractor’s QS takes to win more tenders. A comprehensive guide for construction contractors.