Getting paid your hard-earned money on a job should be straightforward, right? Well, it turns out, not always. When you’ve put in the elbow grease, tracked every inch of progress, and your QS (Quantity Surveyor) submits your payment claim, hearing...
You see something missing from the drawings, something you know is essential. Leave it out of the tender, score the job, and figure it out later as an “extra”, right? Wrong. You’ll get found out, and fast. Everyone gets burned – especially the...
Ever started a project only to realise halfway through costs were spiralling out of control? You were so eager to get going there was one critical step you rushed – the importance of going over the contract with a fine-tooth comb. Contracts might sound like a pile of...
Ever feel like you’re in a never-ending hamster wheel of tenders? You bid and bid, but it seems like the only way to win is to be the cheapest. Well, we’ve got news for you – there’s a way out of that race to the bottom. How to Put Your Best Foot...
Contracts are the cornerstone of successful projects in the construction industry. Among the various types of construction contracts, the Blue Form of Contract stands out as a popular choice for smaller projects with approximate costs between €50,000 and €1 million....