ESG: The next big thing in Construction

You might be wondering, “What in the hammer-hitting world is ESG?” ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. The construction industry, much like a preserved building, is due for an upgrade. And ESG is the shiny new scaffold that’s going to help us do that. This isn’t just a buzzword within the industry; it’s rapidly becoming the beating heart of construction’s future.

And for those of you procuring government projects, you’ll be familiar with this concept already. But for those of you doing private jobs, keep reading, this is going to catch up to you soon. 

Why ESG?

Well, imagine your construction projects earning you not only financial gains but also a good night’s sleep, knowing you’re contributing to a greener, fairer and more sustainable world. That’s ESG.

The ‘E’ in ESG: Environmental

With an increasing focus on sustainability, the ‘E’ in ESG is about lessening your environmental footprint (without the need for toddler-sized boots). This involves energy-efficient designs, renewable materials, and eco-friendly waste disposal. It’s not just good for the planet; it’s also good for business. Clients and consumers love a good eco-warrior. Not to mention, you’ll be saving on energy costs in the long run. Think of it as your own little “green thumb” for construction.

The ‘S’ in ESG: Social

The ‘S’ represents the social responsibility within your contracting business. It’s about creating a fair and safe workspace, encouraging diversity, and ensuring a positive impact on the community. If the ‘E’ was your green thumb, then ‘S’ is your firm handshake to your employees and neighbours. When they’re happy, you’ll be happy. It’s as simple as that.

The ‘G’ in ESG: Governance

Finally, the ‘G’. This isn’t just about creating rules that people dread more than a rogue nail underfoot. Governance involves creating fair, transparent systems and policies. It’s about accountability, from project estimations to site safety. 

Now, we’re fairly sure you’re thinking, “This ESG thing sounds like the next sliced bread, but how do I make it part of my business?”

Bringing ESG into your contracting business

The good news is, incorporating ESG doesn’t mean you’ll have to rebuild your entire business model brick by brick. Just like applying a fresh coat of paint, it’s all about thoughtful application. The starting point is becoming aware of what your ESG obligations are. 

Starting with ‘E’, you could think about incorporating renewable materials into your projects or, perhaps, introduce waste recycling schemes on-site. How about energy-efficient designs? All of these not only help the planet but also look really good on your tender proposals!

Moving on to ‘S’, it’s about building a positive company culture. Equal opportunities, diversity, good working conditions – these aren’t just ‘nice to haves’; they are ‘need to haves’. Happy teams build better, trust us!

And finally, ‘G’. This is all about accountability and transparency. From estimation to final account, it’s about being open, fair, and ethical. The only thing people like better than a well-built project is a well-built project done right!


ESG – the next big thing in construction is like the three-in-one tool of the building world, offering benefits to the environment, your team, and your project’s governance. Tighten your tool belt and get ready for a brighter, greener, fairer future in construction. 

Need extra paperwork like a hole in the head? Don’t worry about going it alone, the team at Carroll Estimating can help you embark on your ESG journey, one brick at a time. 

Talk to our team today to learn more about how we can help make sure you don’t leave any money behind from tender to final account. 

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