Contractors stop pricing per square foot

A game changer for contractors!

It’s 11 PM, and you’re in the midst of reviewing your next big project proposal. Your coffee’s gone cold, your calculator’s smoking and the room’s filling up with crumpled blueprints as you repeatedly hurl them towards the bin in frustration. 

What’s common? The archaic, migraine-inducing method of pricing per square foot. You’ve had enough, right? We’re here to tell you, “Times have moved on!”

Square foot pricing is like that old, battered pair of work boots you’ve had since you started contracting. They’re comfortable and familiar, but boy, do they make your feet hurt by the end of the day. So, it’s time to step into the future and discover a better way to estimate your projects.

Why bid farewell to square foot pricing?

Imagine this. You’re planning a trip from Dublin to Cork. Now, would you estimate the cost of your journey solely based on the miles you’re going to travel? Not likely! You’ll consider things like the price of fuel, food along the way, and perhaps even the occasional toll fee (because we all want to get there faster, right?).

Similarly, estimating a project’s cost only by its size is like trying to look at a multi-story building through a keyhole. It’s just not enough. In the construction world, a multitude of factors can influence the cost that square foot pricing doesn’t account for. Material quality, labour costs, site conditions, unique design elements, inflation, pandemics, wars… oh, and let’s not forget the ever-mysterious ‘unforeseen circumstances’ (Cue variations).

The only thing you should be measuring per square foot is the rug in your new home office. Everything else needs a bit more TLC (Tender Loving Calculation).

Embrace a comprehensive estimating method

Enter Quantity Surveying (QS) and estimating. You know where you get to take account of every brick, nail, and drop of paint. You may think, “Hey, I didn’t sign up for this level of maths in contracting!”

We’re not suggesting you spend sleepless nights counting pebbles and droplets of paint. Instead, leave it to a team of pros (that’s us!). By incorporating professional QS and estimating into your process, you’ll ensure that all the cost elements are identified, quantified, and accurately priced. Think of it as having a magnifying glass to scan every inch of your project cost instead of just glancing at it from a distance.

How does this benefit you?

Let’s talk about the perks.

1. Increased Accuracy: 

Professional QS and estimating provide a detailed analysis, which reduces the chances of underquoting or overquoting. No more nasty surprises that make your wallet or your wife weep!

2. Enhanced Trust with Clients: 

When you offer transparent pricing that reflects the actual work involved, it builds trust with your clients. Never mind the design team and PQS. Plus, nobody likes explaining cost overruns to a grumpy client on a Monday morning.

3. Profit Protection: 

By accounting for all cost elements, you safeguard your profit margins. Say goodbye to those ‘unexpected expenses’ sneaking up and nibbling on your bottom line. Instead, you can build profitably, confidently.

4. Competitive Advantage: 

A thorough estimation method shows you mean business. It makes you look more professional and gives you an edge over the competition. Plus, who can resist a contractor with such a keen eye for detail?


If you’ve been clinging onto square foot pricing like a life raft in the sea of contracting chaos, it’s time to let go and swim towards the more stable shores of QS and professional estimating. Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this – we’ve got your back (and your calculator)!

Say ‘yes’ to accuracy, transparency, and a much-needed boost to your bottom line. 

Talk to our team today to learn more about how we can help make sure you don’t leave any money behind from tender to final account. 

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